beginners lessons
Zahlen it means Number in german today you will learn how to count from in German we start with basic one then we show an example .
in the table below we learn how we count from 1 to 50 in german.
1 Eins |
11 Elf |
21 Einundzwanzig |
31 Einunddreiβig |
41 Einundvierzig |
2 Zwei |
12 Zwölf |
22 Zweiundzwanzig |
32 Zweiunddreiβig |
42 Zweiundvierzig |
3 Drei |
13 Dreizehn |
23 Dreiundzwanzig |
33 Dreiunddreiβig |
43 Dreiundvierzig |
4 Vier |
14 Vierzehn |
24 Vierundzwanzig |
34 Vierunddreiβig |
44 Vierundvierzig |
5 Fünf |
15 Fünfzehn |
25 Fünfundzwanzig |
35 Fünfunddreiβig |
45 Fünfundvierzig |
6 Sechs |
16 Sechzehn |
26 Sechsundzwanzig |
36 Sechsunddreiβig |
46 Sechsundvierzig |
7 Sieben |
17 Siebzehn |
27 Siebenundzwanzig |
37 Siebenunddreiβig |
47 Siebenundvierzig |
8 Acht |
18 Achtzehn |
28 Achtundzwanzig |
38 Achtunddreiβig |
48 Achtundvierzig |
9 Neun |
19 Neunzehn |
29 Neunundzwanzig |
39 Neununddreiβig |
49 Neunundvierzig |
10 Zehn |
20 Zwanzig |
30 Dreiβig |
40 Vierzig |
50 Fünfzig |
and in the next picture we learn some other examples about how to count up 50 in german ,tens and the hundreds after learning numbers in german you be able to step forward and learn more german lessons.
German Personal Pronouns list
To can express any idea or to say something we need to say it behalp of personal pronouns ,We use them to refer to ourselves, other people or things. and the divid into Personal Pronounsand and Possessive Pronouns and German Personal Pronouns function under the 4 cases that define how will you use it as we will show bellow .
And here are the the German Possessive Pronouns
German Definite Articles
An article is a word which is connected to a noun and defines its case in the german language, its forms depend on the case, number and gender of the corresponding noun.and the same as in English, there are definite and indefinite articles like we will see in the following tables
Examples (Beispiele):
Msk = der Vater (father).
Fem = die Frau (mother).
Neu = das Kind (child) .
Pl = die Eltern (parents).
Fem = die Frau (mother).
Neu = das Kind (child) .
Pl = die Eltern (parents).
Fem = die Frau.
Neu = das Kind.
Pl = die Eltern.
Fem = der Frau.
Neu = dem Kind.
Pl = den Eltern.
German Indefinite Articles
The Indefinite Articles are the articles that used to define or indicate that the identity of the noun is not known.
Examples (Beispiele):
Fem = eine Frau.
Neu = ein Kind.
Pl = Eltern.
Fem = eine Frau.
Neu = ein Kind.
Pl = Eltern.
Fem = einer Frau.
Neu = einem Kind.
Pl = Eltern.
Days in german
German days of the week or Wochentage
as we all know the week has 7 days we say day = tag in german and we say die woche to the week and we call the weekend : die Wochenende.and here is the list of the days in german .
Dienstag - Tuesday
Mittwoch - Wednesday
Donnerstag - Thursday
Freitag - Friday
Samstag - Saturday
Sonntag - Sunday
Months in german (german Months)
Februar - February
März - March
April - April
Mai - May
Juni - June
Juli - July
August - August
September - September
Oktober - October
November - November
Dezember - December
Seasons in german (german Seasons)
Sommer - summer
Herbst - autumn
Winter - winter
Family in german
Family or in german Familie such a similar word even a bit the pronunciation sounds the same we will learn here the family in german and we give some examples.
examples :
der Großvater /der Opa=the grandfather / the grandpa .
die Großmutter / die Oma = the grandmother / the grandma .
die Eltern = the parents.
der Vater = the father.
die Mutter = the mother.
das Kind / die Kinder = the child / the children.
die Geschwister = the siblings.
die Schwester = the sister.
der Bruder = the brother .
der Sohn = the son .
die Tochter = the daughter.
die Ehefrau = the wife .
der Ehemann=the husband .
human body parts german language
We will learn a new vocabulary and it is very important in foreign language ,we see today the human body parts in german language as we will show in the following picture .
German important vocabulary
in the following we will hit the bell and open a dor to a new step to learn german we are going to se the most useful expressions in german language ,german expressions that you can use all days.
German Greetings and Farewells
German |
English |
Guten Morgen | good morning |
Guten Tag | hello / welcome |
Guten Abend | good evening |
Wie geht es dir? | How are you? |
mir geht es gut danke und dir ? | i am fine thank you and you ? |
Wie heißt du? | What’s your name? |
Ich heiße … | My name is … |
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? | Do you speak german? |
Nett, Sie kennen zu lernen | nice to meet you |
Gute Nacht | good night |
Tschüss | goodbye |
Auf Wiedersehen | see you later |
schöner Traum | nice dream |
and we pass to the second lesson here we share the most useful time words in german .
German Time Words
German Time Words
German |
English |
heute | today |
morgen | tomorrow |
übermorgen | the day after tomorrow |
gestern | yesterday |
nächste Woche | nächste Woche |
Wochenende | weekend |
stunde | hour |
Minute | minute |
tag | day |
Woche | week |
jahr | year |
morgen | morning |
abend | evening |
nacht | night |
Most useful German question
During our daily converstation for sure we all use question or the most part of our disscussions
based on asking and giving answer and the most famous questions are like:
-where do you learn german ? = wo lernen Sie deutsch?
Or the most typical German questions :
and for someone who beginner german learner is those are considered as the basic german question and in the following table bellow we will show the important german questions list .
Question | Translation |
Wie geht's Sie / dir? | How are you? |
Wie läuft's? | How's it going? What's up? (informal) |
Wie geht es Ihnen? | How are you? (formal) |
Wie heißt du? | What's your name? (informal) |
Wie heißen Sie? | What's your name? (formal) |
Woher kommst du? | Where are you from? (informal) |
Wo wohnen Sie | Where do you live? (formal) |
Wo ist die Toilette? | Where is the bathroom |
Wie alt bist du? | How old are you ? |
Wie lautet deine Telefonnummer? | What's your phone number? |
Was hast du gesagt? | What did you say? |
Wann ist dein Geburtstag? | When is your birthday? |
Wie lange lernst du schon Deutsch? | How long have you been studying German? |
Warst du schon einmal in Deutschland? | Have you been to Germany? |
Questions in German
Questions are very important in any language it is typical we start any discussions with asking then we give an answerand to Lear how to ask basic questions in German will lead you to dig more and open new topic each time with others and develop your language skills.
The table below shows the German Question words with some examples.
German |
English |
examples |
Wo | where | wo bist du ? (where are you ?) |
Wann | when | Wann kommst du ? (when you come ?) |
Was | what | Was machst du ? (what are you doing ?) |
Wer | who | Wer ist er ? ( who is him ? ) |
wie | how | wie alt bist du ? (how old are you ?) |
warum | why | warum kommst du nicht ? (why you don t come ?) |
Woher | where from | Woher kommst du ? (Where are you from ?) |
Wohin | to where | Wohin gehst du ? (where are you going ?) |
Colors in German
to can distinguish the things in a language you need to use adjectives and exactly colors our lessons here is color in german as we will see with simple example.
To have an accurate language and you can really master the language you should know enough numbers of Adjectives Significantly then you can describe what you see or what you feel convincingly here is a list of Most Common German Adjectives . try to memorize it and do a practice with your own phrases.
Important Adjectives in German
German | English | Examples |
froh | happy | das kind ist froh |
traurig | sad | die mutter ist traurig. |
groß | big | großer Geshaft. |
kurz | short | Lügen haben kurze Beine. |
gut | good | das wasser ist gut für die gesundheit. |
schlecht | bad | das wetter ist schlecht. |
klein= | small | du hast eine kleine Nase. |
groß | great | Die wellen sind so groß. |
mutig | brave | ein mutiger Held |
schön | beautiful | du hast schöne Augen. |
nah | near | er lebt in der Nähe des Meeres. |
weit | far | China ist immer ein weites Land. |
einfach | easy | die prüfung ist einfach. |
schwer | difficult | er fällt in eine schwere Situation. |
heiß | hot | das Essen ist heiße. |
kalt | cold | kaltes wetter. |
freundlich | kind | deine freundin ist so freundlich. |
wichtig | important | die gesundheit is wichtig. |
alt | old | mein Opa ist ein alter mann. |
Jung | young | der junge Mann springt wie die Gazelle |
neu | new | er hat ein neues auto. |
alt | ancient | er mag alte Automodelle |
früh | early | Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. |
spät | late | du kommst immer zu spät . |
breit | wide | Der Fluss ist breit und tief. |
eng | narrow | der enge schuh tut mir weh |
niedrig | low | Der Sauerstoff im Hochgebirge ist niedrig. |
hoch | high | die luft im hochwald ist rein. |
berühmt | famous | Beethoven ist ein berühmter Pianist. |
Viel | a lot | viel geld bedeutet glück. |
wenig | little | sie hat ein wenig energie |
anders | different | sie trägt immer anders farben./td> |
gleich | same | gleich die babys sind im gleichen alter./td> |
schlau | clever | das kind ist schlau. |
you are doing good good luck
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ReplyDeleteTo imply some type of possession, a noun is normally in the genitive case. As a result, the matching genitive form is frequently used as a genitive adjective for another noun rather than standing alone. website
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